Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that promotes healing and well-being by stimulating specific points on the body with thin needles. At A Moment Away Spa, our licensed acupuncturists are dedicated to creating a personalized treatment plan to address your unique needs.
Acupuncture – First Visit (60 min): This comprehensive first visit includes a detailed consultation to discuss your health history, current concerns, and desired outcomes. |Your acupuncturist will then perform a traditional pulse diagnosis and examine your tongue to create a personalized treatment plan. |This initial visit also includes your first acupuncture session, lasting approximately 30 minutes.|Acupuncture – Follow Up Visit (45 min): Building upon your initial consultation and treatment plan, your follow-up visits focus on continued progress. |Each session typically lasts 30 minutes and may include adjustments to your acupuncture points based on your response to treatment.